How do version/revision numbers affect Retrieval?

If you archive a document created using version/revision 1.1 of a document, then it will be retrieved using that version/revision of the document no matter how many other revisions were checked in using the same effective date.

Retrieval always tries to return the version/revision that was current when the document was archived, if the version/revision information was available.

It is, however, possible through batch processing to create a document in which some section references are archived without version/revision information. In this situation, the Library manager gets only the transaction date (RunDate) during retrieval. If this happens, the system returns the latest revision of the section in effect for that date.

This can happen if you are not loading FAP files during batch processing, because unless the system actually retrieves the FAP file from the library, it will not know what revision is in effect when the document is created.